
FET Hosts Virtual IAP Visit and Industry Forum 2022

Corporate Communications Department


The Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET) together with its Industrial Linkage Committee (ILC) hosted an annual virtual Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP) Visit and Industry Forum 2022 on 13 January 2023. A total of 10 Industrial Advisory Panels (IAPs) of four respective engineering programmes of FET namely Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) Electronics majoring in Telecommunications (TE), Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) Electronics majoring in Robotics & Automation (RE), Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) Mechanical (ME), and Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (DME) were invited to participate in this one-day event.

The visit was officially kicked off with an opening speech delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fazly Salleh Abas, Dean of FET. In his speech, Dr. Fazly highlighted the benefits of Artificial Intelligent (AI) elements in engineering courses and the threat of AI Technology namely ChatGPT to the education sector. After the opening session, the IAPs were assigned to individual programme breakout presentation sessions led by the respective Programme Coordinator (PC): Dr. Lim Tian Sze (TE PC), Dr. Lim Chee Siong (RE PC), Dr. Lim Boon Kian (ME PC), and Mr. Jee Kian Siong (DME PC). On top of that, an online industry forum entitled “Engaging the collaboration between University-Industry: What is the successful model?” featuring the perspectives of panelists across multidisciplinary engineering fields was opened to the Faculty staff and student participation.

 The Faculty would like to express its gratitude to the following panelists for their valuable time in attending the virtual IAP visit and industry forum to make the half-day IAP event a success. The names are listed in no particular order: Ir. Hayati Hussien, Principal Offshore Pipeline Engineer with GTS Pipeline Engineering, Petronas Malaysia; Mr. Lim Kian En, Senior Project Engineer, Sulzer Singapore; Ir. Goh Su Kin, Senior Mill Engineer of Lenga Palmoil Industries Sdn. Bhd.; Mr. Syahril bin M. Azmi, Chief Operating Officer & Director of Honda Assembly (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.; Mr. Ong Kun Xiong, Senior Manager of Test & Product Engineering, Infineon Technologies (Melaka); Mr. Muslim Abdullah Zaik, Chief Executive Officer, Aeronerve; Mr. Goh Ser Heng, Director & Co-founder of Bodibasixs Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd.; Mr. Tan Cheah Heng, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff of Motorola Solutions, Malaysia; Dr. Diong Kah Seng, VP of Technical Services ZTE Malaysia; and Mr. Thiaku A/L Ramalingam, Head of Infor Managed Services (ASEAN), Infor.