The Faculty of Management (FOM) hosted a virtual visit by Mr Tharmindran a/l Gunaseelan, the industrial advisor for the Diploma in Finance (DiF) on 7 December 2022. The visit served as an avenue for the programme evaluation by the industry representative. Dr Mohd Fairuz Abd Rahim, Dean of FOM delivered his welcoming remarks during the session.
The session continued with a briefing on the DiF by Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Lan, the programme coordinator. Mr. Tharmindran also shared his insights through a talk entitled “Career in Banking. Are you up for it?”, which was participated by finance students and lecturers. The discussion was well anticipated by many students who are planning their future careers in the field.
The event continued with an interactive dialogue between Mr. Tharmindran and finance lecturers. In the exit meeting, Mr. Tharmindran provided his feedback and suggestion on possible actions needed for further improvement of the DiF programme. Also attending the session were Puan Zarehan, head of the Finance Unit ; Dr. Kwan Jing Hui, the coordinator for the Bachelor of Finance and administrative staff.