Multimedia University (MMU) received a two-day visit from Pan European University (PEU) delegates on 30th and 31st May 2022. The delegation visited three faculties namely the Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI), the Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM), and the Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FIST). The guests were accompanied by the Director of the International Relations Office, Dr. Lim Way Soong.

The guests made a visit to FCI on their first day, where they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Ng Kok Why, Deputy Dean of FCI; Dr. Wong Lai Kuan and Dr. Chin Ji Jian with a presentation on academic programmes and research activities of the Center for Visual Computing and Center for Big Data and Blockchain Technologies. The delegates also shared their faculty programmes and research activities at PEU. The outcome of the meeting was very insightful and fruitful for future collaboration opportunities. The delegates then went for a tour in the Cyberjaya campus including Siti Hasmah Digital Library and others.

The visit continued with a talk by Dr. Jan Lacko, the Dean of Faculty of Informatics from PEU. Greeted by the FCM Dean, Dr. Lim Kok Yoong accompanied by Mr. Dendi the Virtual Reality programme coordinator, Dr. Lacko was invited to share his research on challenges in virtual and augmented reality as well as discussed the possible collaboration between two parties. A total of 54 participants from FCM attended this hybrid talk, 37 joined online and 17 attended physically. In his talk, Dr. Lacko emphasised on the hardware solutions, software, and the use of different types of sensors. On top of that, a discussion was also carried out to address some issues in terms of health, social, and ethical impacts in multi-user virtual environments.

On the second day, the delegates visited FIST to explore further MMU IT programs and possible research collaborations in the Melaka campus. Prof. Dr. Lau Siong Hoe, Dean of FIST presented the faculty overview to the delegates in the presence of Prof. Ong Thian Song, Deputy Dean of Research and Innovations. Many ideas were exchanged during the meeting, including joint postgraduate programs and supervision. The delegates also invited the staff and students to visit PEU next year under the Erasmus+ mobility grant. This year a total of five MMU students from FIST, FCI, FCA and FOL were funded by the Erasmus+ Grant to participate in the mobility program at PEU from Feb to May 2022.