We are proud to announce that Lim Min Ying, student from the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) and Yvonne Wong Zhen Jing, student from the Faculty of Law (FOL) won the 3rd place in BizMaker Competition on 21 May 2022.

The competition was organised by the Management Society of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), and the MMU team received a cash prize of RM400, goodies bag, and e-vouchers from sponsors.

Two other teams from MMU also qualify to the final pitch which Team Vincent’s Changemaker from Faculty of Business (FOB): Dashania Elvira Gregory, Jeffrey Quek & Er Jun Hui, FOL: Darren Bong and Raisa Alam from Faculty of Management (FOM) & Team Plantify (all FOL team: Tan Zhi Chung, Ain Farahana Mazdin Abdullah, Britney Chong Zhi Xin, Eng Zhi Qi & Lin Shi Ern).

Mentored by Mr. Vincent Chan, FOB lecturer, the team pitched the winning idea that solving problems of insecurity towards skin imperfections and the inconvenience to seek for professional advice. With that in mind, they created WOW Mirror which is a smart mirror that analyses your skin type and provides information on the health of your skin.


Their business idea will revolutionise the beauty and skincare sector. BizMaker competition aimed to find talented and innovative individuals in the field of entrepreneurship and business among varsity students. Congratulations!