More than 70 members from academia, the mental health-related industry, and the public participated in a talk titled “Let’s Talk About Mental Health” in conjunction with Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, recently. The talk was jointly organised by the Faculty of Business (FOB) and Befrienders Melaka as part of the Knowledge Transfer Program associated with Dr. Goh Mei Ling’s research grant on Malaysian youth’s mental health awareness, awarded by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE).

The two-hour session featured Dr. Goh Mei Ling and Ms. Yap Wei Ping as speakers. Ms. Lee Jia En, an MPhil candidate at FOB and a research scholar affiliated with  Dr. Goh Mei Ling’s research grant, emceed and moderated the event. Dr. Goh Mei Ling, a lecturer at FOB, spoke about the types, factors, and risks of mental illnesses. At the same time, Ms. Yap Wei Ping, who is serving as a chairperson of Befrienders Melaka, a practicing lawyer, and an alumnus of MMU’s Faculty of Law, articulated Befrienders’ role in dispensing free, non-judgmental, and confidential listening services in Melaka reachable through the contact number 06-2250791. The discussion entailed a Q&A session in which several audience members interacted with the speakers. The audience conveyed excellent feedback and requested more sharing sessions on mental awareness in the near future.