We are proud to share a huge milestone by Dr. Jingxiang Low, a Malaysian scientist, and an MMU alumnus when his working paper on solar energy conversion was selected as one of China’s 100 Most Influential International Academic Papers, recently. This achievement was announced by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

Dr. Low and his team are working together to discover how solar energy could be utilised to convert carbon dioxide into natural gas. The result will help to solve the global energy crisis and to realize the “carbon cycle”. On top of that, the conversion also will be the guidance for industrial application in an effort to achieve the goals in the Paris Agreement on climate change. Dr. Low graduated from our university with an engineering degree in 2012, and he earned his Master’s and Ph.D. degree in materials science from the Wuhan University of Technology, China. He is currently attached to the University of Science and Technology of China as an associate professor.
Congratulations, Dr. Low!