We are proud to share that a project from Multimedia University entitled “Automated Diagnosis and Prognosis of Chronic Wounds for e-Health Applications”, led by Associate Professor Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi from the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) with his MEngSc students Topu Biswas and Khajista Nizam, won the “Best of the Best Award” at the National Innovation and Invention Competition 2019 (NIICe2019) recently. The competition was held at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and received more than 240 projects demonstrated by researchers and students from various institutions

The project also won three other awards at the event, namely the Best Project in PG/UG Category, IEEE SPS Special award as well as the gold medal. An automated wound analysis, diagnosis, and prognosis system was designed to replace the conventional wound management. The system can potentially reduce clinicians’ workload considerably; make treatment and care more consistent and accurate; improve the documentation process in the medical recording and enable clinicians to attain quality benchmarks for wound care. The same project also won the ‘MACE special award: Most Creative Product/Prototype’ at the IET Automation and Control Enhancing Innovation Competition (ACEiC2019) last October.
