Hazmi Hamizan Mohd Zaki, a third-year student from FOM produced a discussion paper which was published in the Khazanah Research Institute (KRI) publication on 15 August 2019. Entitled “Palm Oil: Malaysia-EU Trade Issue”, the paper was voluntarily developed by Hazmi and another researcher from KRI, Mohd Amirul Rafiq Abu Rahim during his internship with the institution.

The paper introduces the readers to the history of palm oil, efforts made by the EU leading to the current issue as well as trade between Malaysia and EU. Next, it discusses the EU’s argument for the exclusion of palm oil, the discrepancies of those arguments and the impact of the exclusion as well as suggest alternative actions that could be taken moving forward. KRI carries out research on the pressing issues of the nation and they recommend policies in improving the well-being Malaysians based on the research conducted.

Well done!