The Faculty of Management (FOM) had successfully organised the Ingenious Mind Challenge (IMC) 2019 with the official kick-off session and Boot Camp that was held in Cyberjaya recently. A total of 30 teams from various faculties of Multimedia University (MMU) participated in this social-based entrepreneurship competition.

With its theme, “Things get solved, if you get involved”, the enthusiastic participants were exposed to innovative techniques for creative problem-solving, namely: Design Thinking, Value Proposition Canvas, and Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). This competition is designed to test the participants’ ingenuity in solving the problems faced by the targeted community, which is secondary school students of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Dengkil, Sepang. Supported by the Student Affairs Division (STAD) of MMU, the competition not only serve as a  training ground for the participants but is a testament to the University’s Social Responsibility (USR) initiatives to engage with the immediate community.

The IMC 2019 requires participants to fully empathise with the issues or problems faced by the community by conducting empathy interviews and completing the Value Proposition Canvas. The team are then needed to ideate the potential solutions to those identified issues/problems by applying the TRIZ approach. A prototype will then be created and tested with the community during the finale to be held on 10th September 2019. The competing teams will have the opportunity to present their VPC and prototype to a panel of judges. Top 5 teams will be selected to deliver their final pitch in front of professional judges.

Thumbs up to FOM for such an informative and inspiring initiative to produce innovative thinkers and problem solvers!