A group of 36 students including local, international and exchange students from Kanagawa University together with five lecturers from the Faculty of Business (FOB) went on a field trip to Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad, KL Forest Eco Park, and KL Tower recently. The students had a better understanding of the Ajinomoto through the corporate video presentation and a tour to the “1909 Infoseum”.  The highlight of the visit was none other than the “Hands-on Cooking Demonstration”.

Besides enhancing students’ learning experience through a site visit to Ajinomoto, the students were given the opportunity to appreciate nature by journeying through KL Forest Eco Park.  Upon the arrival at the KL Forest Eco Park, they took the long flight of stairs up the hill until they reached the forest park.  In line with the theme of the hiking activity, which is “Love our mother earth”, the students did a group discussion on topics related to environmental protection at the towering bamboo.   Upon completion of the discussion, they proceeded to KL Tower for the exhibition entitled “Hutan Kita – Journey through our rainforest”.  The visit ended with the students’ presentation.