Dr. Olivia Tan Swee Leng, the Director of Collaboration and Innovation Centre (CIC), Multimedia University (MMU) as a project leader together with her co-researchers, Dr. Shereen Khan, from the Faculty of Management (FOM) and Ms. Rossanne Gale Vergara, the Graduate Research Assistant, were invited by two deputy ministers to present their research findings, recently.

Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Yang Berhormat (YB) Hannah Yeoh Tseow Suan and Deputy Minister YB Teo Nie Ching, Deputy Minister of Education attended the hearing of the presentation entitled Reviewing Adoption Act 1952(Act 1952) and Registration of Adoptions Act 1952 (Act253) at the Parliament of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

The results of the findings will be referred and tabled to the relevant authority in supporting the action plan to review the current Adoption Act 1952 and Registration of Adoptions Act 1952. With the findings presentation, it has paved the way for MMU researchers to contribute significantly to the society particularly in providing an effective process to ensure that children are adopted as soon as possible, rather than remain in institutional care for long periods of time.