A programme entitled ‘Seminar Isu Kesihatan Mental dalam Kefungsian Keluarga’ was organised by the Counselling Unit of Students Affairs Department (STAD) in collaboration with Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga (LPPKN), Negeri Melaka dan Kelab Mesra, Universiti Multimedia in Melaka campus recently. Around 185 participants attended the seminar which was aimed to instill positive parenting and to discuss on the mental health issues within the household.

Prof. Madya Dr. Zaida Mustafa from UNIRAZAK shared her insight on the need of positive parenting for child’s development. While, Mr. Ahamad Shafiai Udin Jaafar expounded on the communication in family members. Three panels namely Prof. Madya D.r Fatimjah Yusooff, Mr. Hairol Kamal Ab Rahman and Mdm Anita Abu Bakar were invited to share experience and knowledge in tackling the concerns with clinical advices and to overcome depression. The seminar received positive feedback as it raised the concern of not ignoring the symptoms and seeking for help is necessary. The seminar was also attended by Dr. Mohd Rizal Abdul Razak, the Campus Director of Melaka and Dr. Abdullah Sallehuddin Abdullah Salim, the Director of STAD.