A total of 16 MMU lecturers attended a guest lecture by Prof. Katherine E Rockett, the Head of Economic Department, the University of Essex on 5 April 2019 in Siri Lab, Cyberjaya campus. Organised by the Faculty of Management (FOM), the topic of the lecture was “Rio-Tinto- The Impact of Being Giant’. Rio Tinto is a leading worldwide metal and mineral provider, which serves a quarter of Bauxites needs and a similarly high percentage of diamonds among other products.

Prof. Katherine shared her view on how the company have grown so big and discussed the pros and cons of the changes to the firm and society. Through her tremendous research, she suggested some tools that can be applied by policymakers to address the effects of firm size on economics and society. It was also an eye-opening session for the attendees to see how economics fields can interact with other research areas such as law, business and sociology.Thankom Arum, a Professor of Global Development and Accountability at the University of Essex also shared on the benefit and challenges in multi-disciplinary research across different fields. The lecture was also attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nahariah Jaffar, the Dean of FOM and Assoc Prof. Ts. Dr. Gerald Goh Guan Gan, the Dean of FOB.