MMU Business School (BS) conducted its first module of the Professional Certificate in Leadership and Management Programme for 20 In-flight Supervisors (IFS) at SiRI Lab, MMU Cyberjaya recently.

There was a brief opening speech by the Group CEO of Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB), Capt. Izham Ismail and a welcoming address by MMU Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Rozhan Zainuddin. The session was conducted by Prof. Dr. Murali Raman, the Director of MMU BS and Dr. Sharmini Gopinathan, the Head of Marketing MMU BS.

The Professional Certificate in Leadership & Management programme is designed for IFS to provide a highly practical perspective on one of today’s current situation such as how to lead in a complex, cross-border, multicultural environment as well as, to have some fundamental knowledge in business acumen skills. The MMU – MAB Professional Certificate in Leadership and Management programme will be conducted for 400 MAB IFS until 2020.