A total of 16 international students and 2 lecturers from the Faculty of Applied Communication (FAC) experienced the Malaysian culture in Sekinchan, Selangor recently. The visit was conducted with the aims to expose international students to Malaysia’s traditional games, food, and crafts.

The students were taken to a home-based factory that produces local delicacies like the “bahulu” and Malay traditional chips. After that, students visited “Nata de Coco” factory and was shown the process of making the dessert. The next stop was Dorani Homestay, and the group was greeted with the greenery of the paddy field there. After spending around 30 minutes taking pictures and enjoying the scenery, batik painting activity was conducted. Then, the traditional process of pounding rice was demonstrated, which the students also had the opportunity to experience rice pounding. The students also experienced kite making activity and fishing at the paddy field in one day visit.