Dr. Melissa W. Migin, from the Faculty of Management (FOM), was invited as an international guest speaker for the Roj Home Centre’s (RHC) official grand opening at Tehran recently. Her talk focused on the history and future developments of home appliance stores worldwide and RHC’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in the industry. RHC’s grand opening was attended by approximately 90 invited guests from across Tehran and it was aired on one of Iran’s national television station, IRIB TV3.

RHC is a newly developed home appliance department store founded in Australia and Iran, with an aggressive expansion plan targeting 20 branches across Iran by 2022. RHC is Iran’s first comprehensive home appliance department store with a partnership with the Refah Group, which owns the biggest hypermarket stores in Iran with a total of 250 chains across the country.  As the representative of MMU and FOM, Dr. Melissa conducted three marketing-related training sessions, namely Customer Journey, Effective Customer Communications and Target Market and Branding to RHC’s managers and supervisors.

A big thumbs up to Dr. Melissa for making an impact in Iran!