Around 168 Epsilon Year students attended a one-day workshop on conveyancing practice on 29 September 2018. The speaker, Mr. Andrew Wong Fook Hin, is a senior Advocate and Solicitor, of the legal firm of M/S Andrew Wong & Co, Advocates and Solicitors, Johor Bahru.The purpose of the workshop is to equip the students with more than the basic knowledge in this subject so that the students will know the current issues affecting conveyancing practice and be sufficiently competent to practice conveyancing when they are called to the Malaysian Bar.

Mr. Andrew Wong conducted an interactive workshop session including quizzes that addressed various important issues and cases related to conveyancing practice. The students were divided into ten groups and were required to work as teams to answer the quizzes. With the use of Kahoot!, a game-based learning platform, the quizzes were fun and engaging. There were few short essay questions on specific areas of conveyancing assigned to the students and the students were required to write down the answers. Each team was given points for correct answers. The workshop concluded with Mr. Andrew Wong giving away a prize to the group that scored the highest points in the quizzes.