A team consisted of lecturers and students from Faculty of Business (FOB), which led by Mdm Subhachini Subramaniam had successfully coordinated a donation drive to the Salvation Army in Melaka Raya recently. The Salvation Army is a non-government organisation which provides assistance to people in need. The donation was part of the University Social Responsibility (USR) project, which is in line with the University’s effort in cultivating the culture of giving and creating a more loving and caring society towards the less fortunate.

There were more than 25 bags of clothes which comprised of shirts, t-shirts, pants, dresses, sports attires and many more that were collected during the second and third week of the trimester which were generously donated by the staff and students of the FOB. The clothes were handed to Mdm. Elaine Wong Su Ling, the supervisor at the centre. She expressed her gratitude and surprised that the lecturers and students were able to collect such a huge amount of clothes within two weeks’ time.

The project is regarded as an eye opener to the fact that there are still many less fortunate people out there who needs some care and helping hand in order to move forward in life. The lecturers and students involved in this project thank all the generous donors for making this project a success!