A simple illustrated summary of the iCadet Programme


The Industry Cadetship is a new initiative by Multimedia University (MMU) focusing on undergraduate students across all faculties. This programme aims to groom students into industry-ready graduates. The objective of the programme is to provide MMU students with early exposure to industry culture and environment, to better prepare them for working life. 

In this programme, students would be guided by industry practitioners as they attempt to solve problems that real companies face. This  programme would help produce specialized individuals needed for the development of the industrial partner. Industrial partners would have access to industry-ready graduates, pre-matched to their respective needs. In short, iCadet Programme aims to groom work-ready graduates.

iCadets will undergo several activities such as industrial attachment, industry-based assignments, industrial final year project (iFYP) etc. 

However, these iCadet activities may be customized, combining other beneficial activities that suit the respective iCadet Programme industrial partner.

Scope of activities under iCadet Programme

The iCadets would be exploring the following activities in iCadet Programme.

1 - Industry-Based Assignment

The company or industrial partner will assign a supervisor to work with a subject coordinator from MMU for specific projects, which could be incorporated as assignments for a subject. Normally the assignment would be on a group basis, with not more than 5 students in a group. The assignment project will be given in the context of the company’s operational or technical issues. The assignment could be introduced in a long trimester (14 weeks) or short trimester (8 weeks). Company staff must commit to define the problem statement and to introduce the problem in the industrial context. The company staff’s involvement in designing rubrics and assessment scheme is flexible, and will be decided between the company staff and the MMU lecturers, who in this circumstance serves as the subject coordinator.

The industry-based assignment will be given by the company to the iCadets through assignments and small tasks through which students will learn, explore or work on improving their knowledge and skills.

2 - Industrial Attachment

MMU students must go through at least 12 weeks of Industrial Attachment / Internship during their second year or before taking up Final Year Project (FYP). Each participating industrial partner will take in the students and expose them to their actual working environment. MMU staff will visit the students and interview the company supervisor as part of the assessment.

Students undergoing internship will also keep a logbook to record their daily activities which will be verified by their immediate company supervisor during the internship period. At the end of the internship period, the student will produce a report and give an oral presentation to summarise their working experience.

Company supervisors are invited to attend the oral presentation by students.

3 - Industrial Final Year Project (iFYP)

The Final Year Project (FYP) is the year-long (two long trimesters) project undertaken by final year students. It is a requirement for graduation. Under the Industry Cadetship programme, the FYP and internship are closely connected so that it is a full year of engagement between the student and the company. Furthermore, the FYP will be based on a more significant challenge compared to the Industry-based assignment. A company-assigned supervisor will work closely with the student and the FYP Supervisor from MMU. The scope and expected outcomes of the iFYP will be determined prior to the student starting the project.

4 - Company CSR Programme

The company conducting the corporate social responsibility (CSR) effort as well as their iCadets will be invited to execute these events, from the planning stage all the way to the actual event itself. Considering the students’ learning schedule and timetable, it is expected that company CSR events will be organized during weekends or during MMU trimester breaks, so that the students would have no difficulties participating. A student’s participation in these CSR events is limited to a maximum 20 hours per year, unless the students and company representatives have made other arrangements.

5 - Company Visits, Culture and Learning Modules

iCadets are expected to visit the company and attend up to a maximum of 20 hours per year learning the company’s various training modules covering the firm’s vision, missions, core values and company culture.

6 - Special Company Annual Events

iCadets may be invited to participate in special company events such as the company’s annual dinner, festivity events or annual trip. This is not compulsory and all depends on the company’s preference.

Execution Mechanism

  1. The iCadet programme partner shall enter an MOU with MMU (if requested by company only) or to be invited by MMU for participating in the iCadet Programme.
  2. Scopes and activities covering the entirety of all programmes, sub-programmes, and activities. Some flexibility on additional activities may be added.
  3. The iCadet programme partner may decide on benefits to the students being recruited as iCadets.
  4. MMU shall advertise the iCadet Programme to all its penultimate-year (the last second year) students.
  5. Interview sessions would be conducted to enable iCadet programme partners to select and recruit iCadets. Generally, the number of recruits is based on the company’s human resource plan and talent needs in various disciplines.
  6. Once recruited, the iCadets will participate in activities outlined in the respective partner’s iCadet programme MOU.
  7. MMU and the iCadet Partner will issue a certificate of accomplishment to iCadet who completed the assigned activities successfully.
  • An overview of iCadet Programme: The example of activities of the scope 1 and the scope 2 are indicated. When iCadets completed the assigned activities successfully, a certificate of accomplishment will be awarded to them.

Interested to sign up as an iCadet Programme partner?
Please fill in this form:

MMU personnel will contact you soon.

iCadet Secretariat,
Government Liaison and Industry Engagement (GLIE),
Market Exploration, Engagement and Touchpoint (MEET).