The Faculty of Law had its genesis in the Law Unit of the Faculty of Management in 1997 when the university was first established as the Universiti Telekom at the Bukit Beruang campus. The primary function of the Law Unit was to service the business degrees and engineering degrees with the necessary law subjects such as Business Law, Company Law and Law for Engineers.
When the university was renamed as the Multimedia University and a second campus was established in Cyberjaya as part of the Multimedia Super Corridor project in 1999, the Faculty of Management moved to the Cyberjaya campus and a new faculty called the Faculty of Business and Law was established with the view that a law degree will be offered from there in the future. During this period of expansion, some of the law staff members moved to the Cyberjaya campus, while others stayed behind to continue performing the function of servicing law subjects in the Melaka campus.
The Law Unit at the Faculty of Business and Law finally welcomed its first batch of its undergraduate Bachelor of Law students in the May intake of 2004. In 2008, the first batch of law students graduated. And by March 2010, the Legal Profession Qualifying Board (LPQB) has conferred its recognition of the Multimedia University’s Bachelor of Law degree as qualifying for admission to the Malaysian Bar, with full exemption in 2012. Not long thereafter, recognition was also granted for admission to the Sabah Bar and Sarawak Bar.
On 1 January 2013, the Law Unit passed another milestone, when the Faculty of Law was established. The Moot Court which was set up in 2008 remains at the ground floor of the Faculty of Business building, but extensive renovation and redesign has seen it reborn as a state of the art e-Mootcourt as part of the university’s pilot Smart Lab project. The e-Mootcourt will soon be joined by the Virtual Legal Firm, currently being developed, as part of the faculty’s e-Legal Practice system.