Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) Electronics

(R2/523/6/0167) 06/26 (MQA/FA4864)

The four-year programme B.Eng. (Hons.) Electronics is designed in consultation with industry experts to ensure its relevance and up-to-date content in preparing students for exciting careers in various industries. This program focuses on equipping students with the knowledge, skills and expertise required to solve real-world engineering problems.

Approved by Ministry of Education (MoE) & Accredited by Engineering Accreditation Council


  • Graduates assume a technical or managerial leadership role in electronics engineering or in any field benefiting from their engineering knowledge
  • Graduates embrace life-long learning through advanced study, training, or professional membership
  • Graduates are committed to professional ethics, sustainability, and appreciation of social values in their chosen fields


Acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to solve complex engineering problems.

Acquire technical competencies in a specialised engineering discipline to solve complex engineering problems.

Identify and analyse complex engineering problems to reach substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, science and engineering.

Design solutions for complex engineering problems that meet specified needs with appropriate considerations for public health and safety, society and the environment.

Conduct research–based investigations into complex engineering problems to reach valid conclusions.

Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools to complex engineering activities.

Apply appropriate reasoning to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues that are relevant to professional engineering practice, and solutions to complex engineering problems.

Understand the impact to sustainability, society and the environment in the design and development of professional engineering solutions to complex engineering problems.

Apply and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities in engineering practice.

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities in both oral and written forms.

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader of a team in multidisciplinary environments.

Recognise the need for, and acquire the ability to engage in life-long learning amidst change.

Demonstrate engineering and management principles, as a member and leader of a team, in managing projects in multidisciplinary environments.


  • Application Engineer, Design Solution Engineer
  • Research & Development Engineer, Firmware/Embedded Software Engineer
  • Test Application Developer, Product Engineer, PCB Design Engineer
  • Process Engineer, System Integration Engineer
  • Computer System Architect or Technical Marketing Engineer


Dr. Katrina D. Dambul

Programme Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lee Lini @ Lini Lee

Associate Professor

Dr. Foo Yee Loo

Assistant Professor

Dr. Lee It Ee

Assistant Professor

Dr. Nisha Kumari A/P Devaraj

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Shashikumar A/L Krishnan

Senior Lecturer

Low Pei Ling



Dr. Yeo Siang Miang

Qualifications 2025 – Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
2013 – Master Degree in Microelectronic Engineering, MMU, Malaysia
2005 – Degree in Chemical Engineering, USM, Malaysia
Position and Organisation Senior Engineer, Amkor Technology Malaysia


Prof. Chang, Joseph Sylvester

Qualifications PhD (Otolaryngology) (1990) from University of Melbourne, Australia,
and B. Eng (Elect & Comp Systems) (1983) from Monash University, Australia
Position and Organisation Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.