Invitation to Apply for MMU StartUp Scheme
Hello Studentpreneurs!
You are invited to pitch for a pre-seed funding under MMU Startup Scheme with Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC).
The objective of MMU Startup Scheme is to assist you to develop and accelerate your business ideas with an actionable plan for the year ahead such as refining your ideas
towards workable business solutions, producing Minimum Viable Product (MVP) set for commercialisation and receiving insightful views and mentorship from experts.
We welcome you to pitch for your active business or business idea that is ready to enter the market. We also welcome you to pitch for mentorship and/or any other assistance
you might need for your business solutions.
Important Dates:
1. Briefing on the program : 8 Oct (3pm)
(GM Link:
2. Closing date for application : 15 Oct
3. Qualifying Pitch : 21 Oct
4. Final Pitch : 30 Oct
All the best & hope to see you at the Final Pitch!
For any inquiries, please email us at