Home Automation and Internet of Things (IoT) Forum
Dear All,
IEEE Student Branch of UCSI, University Putra Malaysia and Multimedia University presents: Home Automation and Internet of Things (IoT) Forum*]
The study predicts there will be around 50 billion IoT devices connected by 2030, with a potential economic impact of $11.1 trillion. While the future of IoT is limitless, what are the concerns from the public towards its security, reliability and the impact on the job market?
We are honoured to have invited the renowned lecturers from each university to become our speakers. They are specialised in the field of Wireless Communication, Smart Home IoT, and Machine Learning.
Details of the forum:
Date: 21 May 2022 (Sat)
Time: 9.30am – 11.30am
Venue: YouTube Live
Registration Fee: FREE
Please book your seat NOW via