FOE Reaches out to Special Needs Community in Putrajaya
Title: Visits to Special Needs Community in Putrajaya
Date: 5 March 2024
Venue: Pusat Pemulihan dalam Komuniti (PPDK), Prestinct 14, Putrajaya
Staff involved: Dr Nurul Nadia and Dr. Lo Yew Chiong
Description: FOE reached out to the Pusat Pemulihan dalam Komuniti (PPDK) centre in Presictnt 14, Putrajaya, by suggesting smart farming be introduced as an activity for the students in the centre. The PPDK houses special needs children and adults betwen the ages of 7 and above. The collaboration was spear- headed by Dr Nurul Nadia. The Knowledge Transfer Program team visited the centre on 5 March 2024 to assess the feasibility of installing a smart farm at the PPDK facility. PPDK supervisors were very interested in the idea as they feel the farming activity is a good hands-on activity for the students.
During the site visit, the WiFi connectivity and feasibility of setting up the IoT system was discussed. The PPDK supervsiors were briefed that with the IoT system, the water level in the reservoir and the Electrolyte Content(EC) level in the water can be remotely monitored, ensuring that the farm management is convenient and fuss-free.
The community are now reaching out the relevant authorities for funds to purchase three sets of smart farms to be installed at the PPDK. After smart farm setup, a workshop will be conducted for the supervisors and staff to manage the smart farm and also use the IoT based monitoring. Tentatively, the workshop and smart farm installation in targetted for the third quarter of 2024.