FOE Collaborates with Perbadanan Putrajaya to integrate IoT into Mushroom Farming

Title: Collaboration with Perbadanan Putrajaya to integrate IoT into Mushroom Farming

Date: 5 March 2024

Venue: Kebun Komuniti Seruling, Prescint 5, Putrajaya

Staff involved: Dr. Lo Yew Chiong and Ir. Dr Siva Priya

Description: The FOE Knowledge Transfer Program pushes ahead in 2024 with a collaboration with Perbadanan Putarjaya to automate the sprinkler system in Kebun Komuniti Seruling, Prescint 5, Putrajaya. Mushroom farming is highliy moisture sensistive and requires high humidity levels to reach optimum growth. At the moment, the humidity is controlled manually by the farmers.

Lecturers Dr. Lo Yew Chiong and Ir. Dr Siva Priya lead the team with EngSoc MUST volunteers Tung Tze Yang and Lim Zing to visit the mushroom farm. After the site visit, the team has decided that an Internet of Things (IoT) system can be integrated to allow remote monitoing and control of the watering system. The sensors will detect the moisture level in the mushroom dark house and pulse the spinkler system everytime the moisture level drops to the required threshold level.

The system is planned to be delivered by the third quater of 2024. A workshop will be held then to allow the volunteers to learn how to use and manage the IoT system.