
MMU Awards 2018

[vc_column width="1/2"] Award: Student Leader of The Year Venue/Date: 2018 Recipients: Mohammed Hussein Saleh Mohammed Haram [vc_column width="1/2"]

IEEE Malaysia Section Awards 2017

[vc_column width="1/2"] Award: Outstanding Student Branch Award Venue/Date: 2017 Recipients: IEEE MMU Student Branch [vc_column width="1/2"]

IEEE Malaysia Section Awards 2017

[vc_column width="1/2"] Award: 1st Runner-Up Outstanding Student Volunteer Award Venue/Date: 2017 Recipients: Mohammed Hussein Saleh Mohammed Haram [vc_column width="1/2"]

IEEE Malaysia FYP Competition 2017

[vc_column width="1/2"] Award: Champion (Computational Intelligence Track) Venue/Date: 2017 Recipients: Ng Chin Kit Supervisors: Cheong Soon Nyean Project Title: IoT-enabled Outdoor Smart Parking System [vc_column width="1/2"]

MSC Malaysia APICTA 2017

[vc_column width="1/2"] Award: Best of Tertiary Student Project Venue/Date: Malaysia, 13th October 2017 Recipients: Ng Chin Kit Supervisors: Cheong Soon Nyean Project Title: Software/Hardware for project "IoT-enabled Outdoor Smart Parking ...

MOSTI University App Challenge

[vc_column width="1/2"] Award: First Runner-up of Innovation Venue/Date: Cyberjaya, Malaysia, 14th - 15th January 2017 Recipients: Lee Chun Yit, Tham Jen Ling and Lim Zheng Cong Supervisors: Dr. ...

2017 IEEE Malaysia ComSoc

[vc_column width="1/2"] Award: VTS Joint Chapter Outstanding Dissertation Award Venue/Date: 14th January 2017 Recipients: Joanne Lim Mun Yee Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Mohamad Yusoff Alias and Dr. Chang Yoong ...

MMU Student Awards 2016

[vc_column width="1/2"] Award: Aspire Award Venue/Date: 2016 Recipients: Tauseef Rasheq Ahad [vc_column width="1/2"]

MMU Student Awards 2016

[vc_column width="1/2"] Award: Student Leader of the Year Venue/Date: 2016 Recipients: Waziha Raquib [vc_column width="1/2"]