Title: Smart Window Technologies and Applications
Organiser: Centre for Advanced Devices and Systems (CADS), MMU Cyberjaya
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Chan ...
Title: Distributed Fiber Sensing Techniques based on Brillouin Scattering
Organiser: Fiber Optics Research Centre (FORC), MMU Cyberjaya
Speaker: Dr. Mohd Saiful Dzulkefly ...
Title: International Conference on Advanced Science, Engineering and Technology (MECON 2019)
Organiser: Faculty of Engineering, MMU Cyberjaya
Keynote Speakers: Dato' Seri Wong ...
Title: The Physics of Low Noise Avalanche Photodiodes
Organiser: Faculty of Engineering, MMU Cyberjaya
Speaker: Prof. Dr. J.P.R. David, University of Sheffield
Date: ...