Arrangement for Stranded Students to Return Home

Dear students,

In view of the current government’s announcement on allowing students to go home, the University will assist the student based on the SOP approved by the government.

Kindly liaise with officers below for your travel arrangements.

Cyberjaya campus:

Transport arrangement will be announced to the affected students in due time (but depends on the latest instructions from the government).

Below are the steps you need to take if you wish to return to your hometown:

  1. Download MySejahtera apps and fill up the required details as a condition to go back to your hometown.
  2. Fill up the Borang Pengisytiharan Kesihatan (2 copies) and bring it with you when you are going back (as per transport schedule which will be informed later)
  3. Students are required to do health screening (which will be arranged by the university) before boarding the bus/vehicle to go back to your hometown.
  4. Students are required to strictly follow the guidelines, as stipulated in the links below.

So far, only movements from green zone to green zone are allowed by the government. So, we could not give any guarantee that you will be able to go back to your home town. It all depends on the situation and the decision of the government.

Please refer to the links below: