[Call for Nominations] ITB Inbound Semester Exchange: August – December 2022 Term]

Dear students,

We wish to inform you that Institut Teknologi Bandung has opened its nominations for the Inbound Semester Exchange Program for the August–December Semester 2022.

Nomination Deadline: March 31, 2022 ( IRU nominate to ITB)
Application Deadline: April 15, 2022 (may be subject to change, to be informed after the nomination) ( Students to complete ITB online application form)

Courses in English for exchange students can be seen here:
https://admission.itb.ac.id/registration/nonreguler/mata_kuliah_exchange_web (subject to update) and
https://admission.itb.ac.id/oreg/index.php/oreg_ex_form/mk_ex (reference for past courses offered). Exchange students may choose courses from different faculties / schools (the faculty / school where students take the most number of credits will become their host).

For interested candidates please contact Dr. Hezerul (hezerul@mmu.edu.my) by 15 March 2022.