Title: Web Design for Beginners Workshop 2021 (WEBDEB 2021)

Organizer: IEEE Multimedia University Student Branch and IEEE Geomatika University College Student Branch IEEE GUC SB

Date: 1-3 October 2021

Venue: Virtual Meeting


IEEE MMU Student Branch, in collaboration with IEEE GUC Student Branch, is pleased to announce that the Web Design for Beginners (WEBDEB) event was a great success. This three day workshop taught the basics of HTML + CSS, JavaScript (react.js), and WordPress, and saw a total of 121 attendees from various universities. A webpage design competition was also organised for the participants to test their new web design skills. Congratulations to the winners, Nur Ashley Aisyah Binti Khazrulnizam (Multimedia University), Wong Kah Chung (Multimedia University), and Aishah Binti Abd Rahman (Universiti Putra Malaysia), who were awarded a RM 80 cash prize each for their great looking website design. IEEE MMU SB would like to extend its sincere thanks to all attendees, and appreciation to IEEE Malaysia Section and MMU for supporting and sponsoring the event. Not only that, a big thank you to all amazing instructors, judges, and committee members for making this event a success.