FOB Hosts Virtual International Business Talk Series 2020

A total of 150 students from the Faculty of Business (FOB) attended a talk series which focused on the Challenges and Opportunities in International Business. The organiser invited four speakers namely Mr Terry Swee, Mr Varun Pradip, Professor Sebastian Sterzer and Encik Abdul Halim. Mr. Terry, a founder of Vesbo and he is one of our Permata Dunia. In 2017, Vesbo won the Natural Health Reader Choices Award- Best Nutrition Porridge, despite being two years in the market. In addition, the company was also listed in Top 30 in the AmBank Bizrace. Mr. Terry shared his experiences on how to kick-start his business, and inspiring students to reach for the stars.

Mr. Varun Pradip, Commercial Director for Mamee Double Decker explained on the challenges in international relations where even small talks may lead to misunderstanding. Students are encouraged to have a first –hand knowledge of the different cultures to initiate good rapport and relationship. Meanwhile, Professor Sterzer gave an insight of South America regarding the economy and the impact of Covid 19 to the country. The last speaker was Encik Abdul Halim, who created the tawaf movement clock and watch. He also established Hijra Timepiece, which promoting anticlockwise watch in Malaysia. Encik Abdul Halim shared his entrepreneurial journey by motivating the students to have a positive attitude and not to restrict their dreams. He told the students to dream the impossible and do the impossible. This fruitful event was an effort from four lecturers; Mdm. Anushia, Dr. Yeow Jian Ai, Mr. Hew Wee Lim and Dr. Susan Chin from the International Business Unit, and it is hoped that their inspiring stories will motivate our students to become successful in the future.

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