Successful Permata Dunia Shares His Entrepreneurial Journey

Mr. Terry Swee Chee Yoong, Managing Director and Founder of Vesbo Malaysia was invited to share his entrepreneurial journey in a virtual industrial talk on 18 January 2023. Mr. Terry, who is also our Permata Dunia, graduated in 2011 and delivered his talk entitled “Challenges and Opportunities in International Trade” to 103 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Business (FOB).

The session kicked off with a welcoming speech by Dr. Susan Chin, who is the subject lecturer for International Trade and Policy. Mr. Terry shared his experience as he started his own company and venture overseas. He also gave some tips on how to think and act fast, especially when you are dealing with overseas counterparts. All in all, it was a fruitful sharing and the attendees gained valuable knowledge and insights into becoming an international business entrepreneur.

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