MMU-UDINUS Fortify Bilateral Cooperation and Partnership

On 17 February 2023, the Faculty of Business (FOB) received a visit from a delegation from the Fakultas Ekonomi and Bisnis (FEB), Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia (UDINUS). Led by Dr. Yohan Wismantoro, Head of the Master of Management programme, the delegation which consisted of 17 students and 2 lecturers was warmly welcomed by Dr. Lye Chun Teck, Dean of FOB, along with Deputy Deans of FOB, Dr. Ng Tuan Hock, Dr. Yeo Sook Fern and Dr. Siti Zakiah, the programme coordinators and academic staff of FOB.

Various activities were conducted throughout the day such as discussions on the progress and potential collaborations on the next MMU International Student e-Exchange programme, matching grants and potential research collaborations between FOB and FEB as well as a guest lecture by UDINUS representatives on the topic of “Virtual Reality Destination Experiences Model: A  Moderating Variable between Wisesa Sustainable Tourism Behaviour and Tourists’ Intention to Visit”.

The guests also had the opportunity to tour the campus facilities and visited the iBiz Lab, and they were briefed on the online trading platforms by Ms. Tay Lee Ying through CGS-CIMB applications before continuing the educational trip around Melaka and Kuala Lumpur. It is hoped that this visit will further bolster the cooperation and partnership between MMU and UDINUS.

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