Sharing Tips on How to Be Successful Academics
A total of 30 academic staff from the Faculty of Business (FOB) partook in a webinar entitled “How to be a Successful Academic- Success Begins from Within” by Prof. Nafis Alam on 7th April 2021. This event was held as part of the initiative to enhance academicians’ knowledge on teaching and research-related matters. Organised by the Centre for Globalization and Sustainability Research (CGSR), the event was also graced by the Deputy Dean of Research and Industrial Collaboration of FOB, Dr. Yeo Sook Fern.
Prof. Nafis Alam is the Head of School of Accounting and Finance at Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU). His expertise areas include banking regulation, financial stability, and corporate finance. During the talk, Prof. Nafis Alam answered the four basic questions for a journey of a successful academic. This engaging session ended with the Q&A session with the audience. It is hoped that this webinar would give our academic staff a clear understanding and moving forward to become successful academics, not only for themselves but also for the university.