FOB Receives a Special Visit by Prof. Dr. Thomas Burkhardt

On 3 October 2023, the Faculty of Business (FOB) extended a warm welcome to Professor Dr. Thomas Burkhardt from the University of Koblenz, Germany. Professor Dr. Thomas received a cordial reception from Dr. Siti Zakiah Melatu Samsi, the Dean of the Faculty of Business, in the presence of deputy deans, heads of departments, and lecturers. Substantive discussions transpired between the two institutions, focusing on the prospects of fostering collaboration in research, student exchanges, and academic interactions, among other areas.

During these deliberations, both parties engaged in the exchange of ideas aimed at fostering a deeper understanding and bridging the gaps between Asian and European perspectives in the realms of education, research, culture, and society. This visit marked a pivotal milestone in elevating the international profile of both universities and fortifying global partnerships, with a shared vision of contributing to a more promising future.

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FOB Receives a Special Visit by Prof. Dr. Thomas Burkhardt


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