FOB Builds Up Affliation and Engagement with Universitas Pakuan

The Faculty of Business (FOB) received a visit from 25 delegate members of Fakultas Ekonomi and Bisnis (FEB) from Universitas Pakuan (UNPAK) at the Melaka campus on 9 January 2023. The delegation consisting of 8 lecturers and 17 students, was led by Dr. Retno Martanti Endah Lestari, the Vice Dean (Academic and Student Affairs) of FEB. Dr. Lye Chun Teck, Dean of FOB extended his warm welcome to the guests together with faculty members Dr. Ng Tuan Hock, Dr. Yeo Sook Fern and Dr. Siti Zakiah, Deputy Deans; the programme coordinators and academic staff of FOB.

Various activities were conducted throughout the day such as the discussions on the progress and potential collaborations on the next MMU International Student e-Exchange Programme, matching grants and potential research collaborations between FOB and FEB, guest lecture by UNPAK representatives, and the introduction of the MonsoonSIM education platform by FEB, UNPAK.

During the visit, the UNPAK students attended a mental and physical wellness talk, and presented their Final Year Project, together with other FOB students, in the FOB-FEB Final Year Project Colloquium. In the afternoon, a campus tour was also organised. The delegates had the opportunity to visit the MMU Siti Hasmah Digital Library (SHDL), Rimbun Ilmu, CLC lecture hall, and the President’s Square before returning to their home country.

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