MUBS’ #Kitasama Blood Donation Drive Success

The Multimedia University Business Society (MUBS) successfully hosted the #Kitasama Blood Donation Drive on the 12th and 13th of September 2023 at the Central Learning Complex (CLC) on the Melaka campus. Over 250 people generously donated their blood during this two-day event. The theme was “Give Blood, Give Plasma, Share Life, Share Often.”

MUBS collaborated with several organisations, including the Hospital Melaka Blood Transfusion Department, Junior Chamber International Malacca City Entrepreneur (JCI MCE), Seri Tanjung Dental Clinic, Cheng Dental Clinic, HIV/STI & HEP Unit at Hospital Melaka, the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia (NKF), One Medic Ujong Pasir Branch, and FGV Holdings. The Faculty of Business and the MMU Occupational, Safety, Health, and Environment Department (OSHE) also provided their support.

Themed ‘Give Blood, Give Plasma, Share Life, Share Often,’ the event also featured a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Exhibition organised by Junior Chamber International, Melaka. Through these activities, attendees gained valuable insights into the impact of the SDGs on our society and community development. The exhibition raised awareness and encouraged action towards achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Students had the chance to learn about crucial SDG topics such as poverty, hunger, and education, which enhanced their understanding of the challenges faced by communities worldwide. This newfound awareness nurtured a sense of global connection and empathy for the well-being of the entire planet.

In line with their commitment to community well-being, they invited Jabatan Pergigian Melaka Tengah to provide mobile oral health screenings for the entire MMU Melaka community. Attendees also had access to complementary health screenings courtesy of the OneMedic Ujong Pasir Branch.

The event featured various health education booths, including HIV Awareness, Kidney Health by the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia, Renewable Energy Education Booths by FGV Holdings, and Blood Donation Awareness by Melaka BloodBanks. These initiatives collectively aim to promote holistic health awareness and support the broader welfare of our community.

The event’s opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Afandi Bin Yusof (Deputy Dean, Student Experience And Alumni), Dr. Yeo Sook Fern (Deputy Dean, Research & Industrial Collaborations), Ms. Anushia Chelvarayan (Club Advisor), Mr. Jeffrey Quek Shue Yew (MMU Alumni, Club President of Business Society), and various officers from external parties.

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MUBS’ #Kitasama Blood Donation Drive Success


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