MMU Co- Organises the 2nd International Conference on Business Sustainability and Innovation 2020

Multimedia University (MMU) through its Faculty of Business (FOB) was honoured to be one of the co-organisers of the 2nd International Conference on Business Sustainability and Innovation 2020 (ICBSI 2020). The ICBSI 2020 is organised by the Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), and was also jointly organised by Multimedia University (MMU) and other four universities from Indonesia and Thailand.

The conference carried the theme of “Nurturing Business Sustainability and Innovation”, which covered research papers in the area of business sustainability, business innovation and academic approaches to business sustainability. During the two-day conference, a total of 101 research papers were presented by participants from all over the world, which included 18 papers from FOB and two papers from FOM.

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