FOB Students Gain Insights on Financial Institutional Roles in International Business

More than 60 final year students from International Business programme partook in a virtual industry talk on 3 September 2020. The talk entitled ‘The Involvement of Financial Institutions in International Business’ was organised by the Faculty of Business (FOB). The session was led by Mr Tan Mun Seng, Senior Vice President and Head of Client Acquisition, Deposit and Loan Sales from United Oversea Bank (UOB).

During the virtual sharing session, the speaker shared his knowledge on how banks in Malaysia drive foreign investments, and the right way to invest, and become an entrepreneur. In the sharing session, the students actively asked questions related to foreign direct investments, MM2H, foreign exchange (Forex), crowdfunding, and various financial issues related to International Business. The speaker shared his expert opinions, thoughts and even tips on foreign investment to help the students gain a better perspective of the industry and its best practices. The students who attended the talk enjoyed the session and gained valuable information on financial institutional roles in international business within the context of both Malaysia and Asia.

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