A Visit Focuses on Collaboration and Understanding

On 13 September 2023, the Faculty of Business (FOB) had the distinct privilege of welcoming a delegation from Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (IIIU) at the Melaka campus. This significant occasion marked IIIU’s inaugural visit to a Malaysian university, and MMU was honoured to be the first host for IIIU delegates. Led by Dr. Ugi Suharto, the IIIU representatives were warmly received by Dr. Siti Zakiah Melatu Samsi, FOB’s Dean, along with deputy deans and staff members. The meeting centred around discussions regarding potential research collaborations, IIIU’s postgraduate scholarships, and the possibility of organising guest lectures.

Following the meeting, the IIIU delegates had the opportunity to explore the vibrant campus of MMU in Melaka through a comprehensive tour. This tour included visits to various key locations within MMU, such as the SHDL environment, learning points, CLC concourse, and other significant areas. It provided them with valuable insights into the university’s environment and facilities.

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A Visit Focuses on Collaboration and Understanding


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