MMU Lecturers Bag Gold Award at Penang IID 2021

We are proud to share a recent achievement by three lecturers from the Faculty of Business (FOB) won Gold Award in the Penang International Invention, Innovation, and Design Competition (PIID) 2021. Ms. Anushia Chelvarayan, Dr. Yeo Sook Fern, and Dr. Lim Kah Boon were selected as the winner for their project entitled “TutorKAY@Home”, which falls under the Social Science category beating 50 other participants.

The virtual competition was organised by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Penang from the 10th until 11th March 2021. Approximately 400 teams participated in the competition, which served as a platform for academicians, industries, and students to highlight innovation, invention, and design in their respective fields.


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