FOB Hosts Industrial Experience Virtual Sharing Session

The Faculty of Business (FOB) hosted a virtual presentation by Dr. Poong Yew Siang, Senior Manager, Digital Controls, Risk Advisory at Deloitte SEA on 26 December 2023. The session was attended by students of the Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) International Business programme, which aimed to enhance students’ international management skills by delving into cultural disparities across countries.

The event commenced with an opening remark by Dr. Chow Mei Min, Deputy Head of the International Business Department. With an interesting topic titled “Working in Japan and MNC. Is it fun?,” the speaker shared invaluable insights and personal experiences of working in Japan and within a multinational corporation. Additionally, he provided practical advice and tips for thriving in a multinational work environment. The session proved highly informative, and the students gleaned significant knowledge from the esteemed guest speaker.

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FOB Hosts Industrial Experience Virtual Sharing Session


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