Academic Staff and Students Acquire Knowledge of Ethnography Research Design

As part of the initiative to enhance academician’s knowledge of research-related matters, the Centre for Globalisation and Sustainability Research (CGSR) of Faculty of Business (FOB) organized a Webinar by Associate Prof Dr Rab Nawaz Lodhi entitled ” Theory Development through Ethnography Research Design” on 3 July 2023. Associate Prof Dr. Rab Nawaz Lodhi is an international trainer of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, mixed methods design and expert in data analytics.

The online seminar was attended by 30 academicians and postgraduate students. Dr Siti Zakiah, Melatu Samsi, the FOB Dean had also graced the event. During the talk, Associate Prof Dr Rab Nawaz Lodhi explained the details of ethnography research design which is one of the qualitative research designs. The talk was then followed by the Q&A session. It is hoped that the attendees would acquire insightful inputs to be successful researchers.

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