FOB Adjunct Associate Professor Speaks at Publication Webinar

A group of staff from the Faculty of Business (FOB) participated in a research webinar titled” Discover & Inspire! Sharing of Publication Strategy & Recommendations”, recently. Organised by the Centre of e-Services, Entrepreneurship & Marketing (CESEM), the session was conducted by the FOB Adjunct Associate Professor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Cheng Ling from the Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

She is also a Deputy Dean in Research, Innovation, and Industry- Community Engagement and an International Advisor of Daffodil International University. Besides that, she is also sitting on the board of The Human Research Ethics Committee of USM (JEPeM). Dr. Tan has published more than 80 articles in academic journals. Before joining academia in 2009, Dr. Tan spent many years in industries, holding various executive and managerial positions.

In this publication webinar, Dr. Tan shared about her academic and publication experiences to the audience. She also gave some tips for an appropriate journal for future publication. The webinar also highlighted “How do you see your publication? Half full OR half empty?”, which inspires the FOB staff to contribute more for the publication work in the future.

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