Students Engage with Beach Clean Up Initiative in Melaka

A group of students from the Faculty of Business (FOB) initiated a Public Service Responsibility (PSR) endeavour at Klebang Beach, Melaka. The programme carried twofold objectives: to cleanse the beach and contribute to the local community.

Under the guidance of Madam Siti Zarifah Amir, these students undertook this eco-conscious venture to uphold their commitment to both environmental sustainability and community well-being. Beyond addressing beach pollution, the project aimed to actively involve the community and enhance awareness regarding the significance of environmental conservation. Armed with gloves, trash bags, and a strong sense of purpose, the students diligently collected and disposed of litter strewn across the shoreline. Their dedicated efforts not only enhanced the allure of Klebang Beach but also emphasised the crucial role of individual and collective responsibility in preserving our natural environments.

The PSR initiative at Klebang Beach not only showcased the students’ dedication to environmental stewardship but also exemplified the university’s mission to nurture socially conscious, well-rounded individuals. The local community members present at Klebang Beach warmly received the students’ endeavours, and local authorities lauded this initiative as a positive stride towards promoting awareness about environmental conservation and community service.

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Students Engage with Beach Clean Up Initiative in Melaka


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