Cultivating Knowledge and Skills via HRM Seminar

An online seminar on the International Human Resource Management (HRM) with students from Universitas Pakuan on 12 December 2023. The participants gained insightful knowledge on the management of International Assignments (Training & Development, Career Advancement, and Repatriation) within the expansive framework of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). Conducted by Dr. Afandi, the deputy dean of Student Experience and Alumni at the Faculty of Business (FOB), the speaker adeptly elucidated the pivotal role of the HR department in orchestrating the deployment of a workforce across diverse subsidiaries operating within multinational organisational structures.

Throughout the seminar, Dr. Afandi delineated the multifaceted responsibilities of MNEs in navigating the challenges associated with international assignments. This encompassed comprehensive strategies imperative for MNEs, spanning from the meticulous preparation required for international assignments to the ongoing support provided during these assignments, culminating in the critical phase of repatriation. The discourse illuminated the significance of these strategies in ensuring a seamless transition for employees returning to their home countries, thereby underlining the paramount importance of a well-managed and supportive HR framework within multinational enterprises.

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Cultivating Knowledge and Skills via HRM Seminar


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