Exclusive Sharing Session by ICAEW Representative

A group of second year Diploma in Accounting students attended an exclusive sharing session by Mr. Ming Hsiang Lim, a distinguished representative from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) on 28 November 2023 at the Melaka campus.

The sharing session delved into a myriad of topics, ranging from emerging trends in global accounting standards to the importance of ethical considerations in financial decision-making. Students were provided with a chance to engage in an interactive video and dialogue with Mr. Hsiang, allowing them to pose questions and seek advice on navigating the complexities of a career in accounting.

The organiser expressed gratitude for Mr. Hsiang’s willingness to share his wealth of knowledge, citing the session as a significant enhancement to the academic curriculum. The event not only enriched students’ theoretical understanding but also offered practical insights that will undoubtedly contribute to their professional development.

As the session concluded, students were inspired and motivated to pursue excellence in their academic and future accounting professional endeavors. The event stands as a testament to the faculty’s commitment to providing students with access to industry experts, fostering an environment where theoretical learning is complemented by real-world insights.

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Exclusive Sharing Session by ICAEW Representative


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