FOB Hosts Industrial Advisor Visit for Human Resource Programme

On 22 November 2023, the Faculty of Business (FOB) hosted an industrial advisor visit by Mr. Toh Siew Pat for the Human Resource programme at the Melaka campus. The visit aimed to evaluate the curriculum, faculty members, and educational resources in line with the industry standards. Dr. Siti Zakiah Melatu Samsi, Dean of FOB gave a welcoming address, followed by  a presentation on progress report by Dr. Cheah Chew Sze, the Head of the BBA.Human Resource Management Department.

Mr. Toh Siew Pat was also invited to give a talk to all Human Resource Management students after the interviews. The talk titled, ‘Employee Relations and Industrial Relations at workplace s’ exposed students to the current issues including employee relations, employee engagement and fostering good industrial relations. Mr. Toh Siew Pat had also conducted a Domestic Inquiry Workshop. At the end of the workshop,the students were given a chance to engage in role play on conducting domestic inquiry with Mr. Toh  and this helped the students to learn how to conduct domestic inquiry in the future.

As part of the assessment visit, Mr. Toh Siew Pat had a campus tour and class observation. Lastly, Mr. Toh Siew Pat also interviewed the staff and students and moderated the BBA Human Resource Management program. The Industrial Advisor visit ended with a closing remark given by Dr. Cheah, where Mr. Toh Siew Pat had provided constructive feedback for the program during the exit meeting.

Mr. Toh Siew Pat is a HRD Corp Accredited trainer, with more than 20 years of experience in conducting public seminars/conferences and in-house trainings on Productivity Linked Wage System (PLWS), employment laws, domestic inquiry procedures, recruitment, employee engagement & retention, managing difficult employees, discipline, misconducts and poor performance, etc. He also speaks in various seminars organised by various State Industrial Relations Departments and State Labour Departments. His extensive work experience and in-depth knowledge of the industry will offer valuable perspectives for enhancing the programme.

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FOB Hosts Industrial Advisor Visit for Human Resource Programme


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