FOB Students Obtain Insights on Youth Financial Education

On 22 September 2023, a seminar entitled “Financial Literacy for Youth” was held at the Melaka campus. Jointly organised by the Faculty of Business (FOB), Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC), and VKA Wealth Planners, this talk aimed to enrich students’ understanding of personal finance. It garnered participation from FOB students, along with the esteemed presence of four lecturers: Dr. Audrey Lim Li Chin, Ms. Lau Siok Hwa, Ms. Ng Lik Neo, and Mdm. Teo Kim Mui.

During the two-hour session, the keynote speaker, Mr. Ang Chee Yong, who serves as the founder and managing director of Axeable Strategy Sdn. Bhd. delivered a comprehensive presentation. Mr. Ang expounded lucidly on various aspects, including debt management, cash management, credit management, retirement planning, and saving for educational purposes. Additionally, he provided a succinct overview of the risk-return relationship concerning investments. It is hoped that event attendees obtain insightful knowledge on financial matters.

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FOB Students Obtain Insights on Youth Financial Education


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