FOB Hosts Digital Business and Cybersecurity Showcase 2023

The Digital Business, Economics, and Quantitative Analysis Department of the Faculty of Business (FOB) hosted the Digital Business and Cybersecurity Showcase 2023 on 11 September 2023.  This showcase aims to discover innovative digital business ideas, enhance cyber security awareness, and ignite entrepreneurial mindset among undergraduate students.

More than 420 students from the Faculty of Business (FOB), Faculty of Information and Science Technology(FIST), and Faculty of Law (FOL) who registered for BDB3024 Digital Business and BCS2014 Cyber Security in Trimester 2230 participated in this Digital Business and Cybersecurity Showcase. Students showcased their innovative ideas in 94 groups, with the guidance and supervision from dedicated lecturers and tutors. This showcase serves as an excellent platform of knowledge exchange for students and lecturers from different faculties in Multimedia University Melaka campus.

Mr. Law Tien Soon, the industrial advisor of the Bachelor of Business Administration (Digital Business Management) Programme, shared his valuable industrial experience with the showcase participants on the topic of “Time Progresses, but Fundamentals Never Change”. Mr. Law inspired participants on the key preparation activities for successful career development in the digital age. He also alerted participants of the importance of personal data protection in cyberspace.

Dr. Afandi Yusof, Deputy Dean, Student Experience and Alumni of FOB presented a token of appreciation to Mr. Law Tien Soon after his inspirational sharing. This Digital Business and Cybersecurity Showcase wrapped up with a short engagement and photo-taking session.

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FOB Hosts Digital Business and Cybersecurity Showcase 2023


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